“It Must Even Be Dramatized”

Playwriting and Shakespearean forms in Steinbeck's “The Moon Is Down”


  • Vincenzo Maggitti




Steinbeck, The Moon Is Down, Shakespeare, Macbeth, play-novella, theatre studies, American Studies


In this essay the author means to analyze a ‘minor’ text by John Steinbeck, The Moon Is Down (1942), by bringing new attention to its Shakespearian themes and modes, in particular its link with Macbeth, already apparent in the title of the book. To reconsider this novel, written by Steinbeck as a piece of war propaganda for the US allies in the Second World War, also implies tackling the debated issue of the literary genre, implicated in Steinbeck’s experimental choice of the play-novella. Framed in the context of the critical reception of the time, this essay develops the relevance of dreams and dreaming in the antiwar theme of the novel.


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