Iperstoria publishes two issues per year, one in June and one in December. Scholars interested in submitting a contribution for our General Sections should send their contributions by April 30 for the Fall/Winter issue and November 30 for the Spring/Summer issue. Due to the high number of contributions we receive, the Editorial Board reserves the right to postpone publication of accepted submissions to a later issue.
Iperstoria also features a Thematic section in each of our issues. Specific Calls for Papers for these sections are published in our announcement section.
Authors should submit their contributions following the online submission procedure after logging in.
If you do not already have an account, you must first register in order to make a submission. Please read these GUIDELINES TO REGISTER AS AN AUTHOR.
Contributors should send a file (in English or Italian) in .doc or .docx format without name or affiliation, following the stylesheet (see below). For articles written in Italian, an abstract (approx. 250 words) should be provided in both English and Italian.
Authors who wish to submit a manuscript to Iperstoria should follow the bibliographic and formatting standards described in the files below:
A template in .docx format is also available
Scholars may also suggest a topic for a special section within the scope of the journal and act as guest editors. Proposals should be sent to redazione.iperstoria@gmail.com and include the following information:
When a proposal for a Special Section is accepted, a schedule will be established with the guest editor(s). As Iperstoria is published on a regular schedule, delivery of the special section will need to conform to the journal’s production schedule.
PLEASE NOTICE that at this time we do not accept submissions for the British and Postcolonial Literature section, as it has been discontinued.
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Iperstoria and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For more information, please read the privacy statement.
ISSN 2281-4582
Iscrizione nel Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Verona col n. 1399 dal 6 giugno 2000.
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