The Gorgon’s Head: On Narration, Torture and Truth-Seeking in J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians and in the South African TNC’s History-Writing and Restorative Undertaking
Coetzee, Torture, Post-colonial literatureAbstract
The article retrospectively considers the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s main assumptions and procedures concerning truth-seeking, narration and, by implication, healing, forgiveness and reconciliation, in the problematizing light that J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians (1980) can shed upon them. The narrative choices made by Coetzee to tackle in ethically acceptable ways torture and, broadly, any inhuman authoritarian violence on the powerless victim’s body are discussed by drawing on the arguments advanced in his essay “Into the Dark Chamber: The Writer and the South African State” (1986) and in the chapter “The Problem of Evil” of his novel Elizabeth Costello (2003). Zinato comparatively ponders on the ‘hermeneutic’ approaches respectively employed in their truth-seeking practices by a) Coetzee’s ethically-oriented fiction, b) the perpetrator’s inquisitorial torture procedures authorized by state terrorism (represented in the novel by Joll and Mandel), and c) the TRC’s rules of procedure espoused in their courageous, unprecedented undertaking. In doing so, she necessarily passes through crucial issues investing the novel as much as the TRC’s “staging” and recording/filing of the hearings: the relationship between torture/violence and language/narration (directly involving the novelist’s responsible representation), the questioning of the healing power of post-traumatic story-telling, and of forgiveness.References
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Trevor, James. “Locating the Sacred. J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians.” “And the Birds Began to
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1996. 141-150.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa. Report. Vol. 1. Cape Town: Juta and Co., 1998. Last visited May 24, 2019.
Urquart, Troy. “Truth, Reconciliation, and the Restoration of the State: Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians.”
Twentieth-Century Literature 52.1 (Spring 2006): 1-21.
Vermeulen, Pieter. “Being True to Fact. Coetzee’s Prose of the World.” J.M. Coetzee and Ethics:
Philosophical Perspectives on Literature. Eds. Anton Leist and Peter Singer. New York: Columbia
UP, 2010. 269-289.
Villa-Vicentio, Charles. “Getting on with Life: A Move Towards Reconciliation.” Looking Back, Reaching
Forward. Reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa. Eds. Charles
Villa-Vicentio and Wihlelm Verwoerd. Cape Town: Cape Town UP/Zed Books, 2000. 199-209.
Wenzel, Jennifer. “Keys to the Labyrinth: Writing, Torture, and Coetzee’s Barbarian Girl.” Tulsa Studies in
Women’s Literature 15.1 (Spring 1996): 61-71.
Wicomb, Zoë. David’s Story. Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2000.
Wilson, Richard A. The Politics of Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa. Legitimizing The Post-Apartheid
State. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001.
Young, Sandra. “Narrative and Healing in the Hearings of the South African Truth and Reconciliation
Commission.” Biography 7.1 (2004): 145-162.
Articles (general section) - British and Postcolonial literatures in English
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