Il Dharma invisibile: buddhismo e cultura afroamericana
Buddhism, religion, African AmericanAbstract
Nel gennaio del 2000 la femminista afroamericana bell hooks pubblica, su Shumbhala Sun, un’intervista al monaco buddhista zen vietnamita Thich Nath Hanh, citata in “Praticare con le emozioni” (Sati gennaio-aprile 2010), da Corrado Pensa, fondatore e insegnante guida dell’A.Me.Co. – Associazione per la Meditazione di Consapevolezza - insieme a Neva Papachristou. bell hooks era sempre stata per me l’autrice di Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism (1981) e di libri particolarmente combattivi sulle questioni razziali e di genere. La scoperta del suo interesse per l’universo buddhista mi ha invogliato ad approfondire il tema dei rapporti tra afroamericani e buddhismo, a buttare giù questi primi appunti sul tema e ad avviare un lavoro di ricerca.References
AA.VV. Making the Invisible Visible: Healing Racism in Our Buddhist Communities. Prepared for the Buddhist Teachers in the West Conference, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, Ca. June 2000, reprinted August 2000. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Accardo, Annalucia.Il racconto della schiavitù negli Stati Uniti d’America. Roma: Bulzoni, 1996.
Calhoun, Ramon. “Inside a Triple Parenthesis: Being a Black Buddhist in the United States.” Turning the Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 39-42.
Cartosio Bruno. I lunghi anni Sessanta. Movimenti sociali e cultura politica negli anni Sessanta. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2012.
Chappell, David. “Racial Diversity in the Soka Gakkai.” Engaged Buddhism in the West. A cura di Christopher S. Queen. Somerville: Wisdom Publications, 2000: 184-217.
Clinton, Michelle T. “Breathing Through History: A Dark Reflection on Zen.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 34-36.
“Diversity and Divisions in America Buddhism.” A cura di Barry Boyce. Buddhadharma Fall 2006: 48-57.
Du Bois, William E. B. Le anime del popolo nero (1903). A cura di Paola Boi. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2007.
Dugan, Kate e Hilary Bogert. “Racial Diversity in Buddhism in The United States.” August 2006.
Dugan, Kate e Hilary Bogert. Essays from the Garrison Institute: 10 Years of Impact 2003-2013. Garrison Institute Website. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Fields, Rick. How the Swans Came to the Lake: a Narrative History of Buddhism in America. Boston: Shambhala, 1981.
Fields, Rick. “Confessions of a White Buddhist.” Tricycle: the Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 54-56.
Fields, Rick. “Divided Dharma: White Buddhists, Ethnic Buddhists, and Racism.” The Faces of Buddhism in America. A cura di Charles S. Prebish e Kenneth K. Tanaka. Berkeley: University of California, 1998: 196-206.
Foye, Addie. “Buddhism in America: a Short, Biased View.” Tricycle: the Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 57.
Gutiérrez Baldoquín, Hilda, a cura di. Dharma, Color, and Culture: New Voices in Western Buddhism. Berkeley: Parallax, 2004.
Heldke, Lisa e Peg O'Connor, a cura di. Oppression, Privilege, and Resistance: Theoretical Perspectives on Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Hickey,Wakoh Shannon. “Two Buddhisms, Three Buddhisms, and Racism.” Journal of Global Buddhism 11 (2010): 1-25.
hooks, bell. “Waking Up to Racism.” Tricycle: the Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 42-45.
hooks, bell. “Building a Community of Love:bell hooks and Thich Nhat Hanh.” Shambhala Sun January 2000, 32.
hooks, bell. “Surrender to Love: King’s Legacy.” Shambhala Sun January 2005: 51-53.
Izzo, Donatella. “Il buddhismo nella letteratura degli Stati Uniti. Note di storia culturale.” Ponti magici: buddhismo e letteratura occidentale. A cura di Giacomella Orofino e Francesco Sferra. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", 2009. 113-169.
Johnson, Allan G. Privilege, Power, and Difference. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Johnson, Charles. Oxherding Tale. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1982.
Johnson, Charles. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Tales and Conjurations. New York: Atheneum, 1986.
Johnson, Charles. “The King we Left Behind.” Common Quest Fall 1996.
Johnson, Charles. Dreamer. A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1998.
Johnson, Charles. A Sangha by Another Name.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 1999: 43-47.
Johnson, Charles. “Mindfulness and the Beloved Community.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 43-46.
Johnson, Charles. Turning the Wheel: Essays on Buddhism and Writing. New York: Scribner, 2003.
Johnson, Charles. “Buddhism is the Most Radical and Civilized Choice.” Intervista a cura di John Malkin. Shambhala Sun January 2004: 13-16.
Johnson, Charles. Dr. King’s Refrigerator and Other Bedtime Stories. New York: Scribner, 2005.
Johnson, Charles. “The King We Need: Teachings for A Nation In Search of Itself.” Shambhala Sun January 2005: 42-50.
Johnson, Charles. “Afterword.” The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature. A cura di Whalen-Bridge e Storhoff. Albany: SUNY, 2009.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence.” New York: Riverside Church, 4 April 1967. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “A Christmas Sermon on Peace.” Atlanta: Ebenezer Baptist Church, 24 December 1967.Visitato il 10/9/2013.
King, Richard. Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and the Mystic East, London: Routledge, 1999.
Kismaric, Carole e Marvin Heiferman. Talking Pictures: People Speak About the Photographs That Speak to Them. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1994.
Kivel, Paul. “Guidelines for Being a Strong White Ally.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Spring 2007: 29.
Levine, Lawrence. Black Culture and Black Consciousness. New York: Oxford University, 1977.
Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn. “What’s Buddhism have to do with Black Women?” Paper presented at Ninth Annual Sakyadhita International Conference in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, June 2006.
Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn. Tell Me Something about Buddhism: Questions and Answers for the Curious Beginner. Newburyport: Hampton Roads, 2011.
Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn. “Difference and Harmony: An Interview with Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, by Sam Mowe.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2011: 17.
Marable, Manning. Malcolm X. Tutte le verità oltre la leggenda. Roma: Donzelli, 2011.
McIntosh, Peggy. “White Privilege and Male Privilege.” Oppression, Privilege, and Resistance: Theoretical Perspectives on Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism. A cura di Lisa M. Heldke e Peg O’ Connor, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Moon, Susan, a cura di. “Resources for Understanding Racism and White Privilege.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Spring 2007: 46- 7.
Nattier, Jan. “Visible and Invisible: on the Politics of Representation in Buddhist America.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 1995: 42-49.
Nattier, Jan. “Who is a Buddhist? Charting the Landscape of Buddhist America.” The Faces of Buddhism in America. A cura di Charles S. Prebish e Kenneth K. Tanaka. Berkekey: University of California, 1998: 183-195.
Nhat Nanh, Thich. “In Search of the Enemy of Man (addressed to the Rev. Martin Luther King).” Nhat Nanh, Ho Huu Tuong, Tam Ich, Bui Giang, Pham Cong Thien. Dialogue. Saigon: La Boi, 1965: 11-20.
Nhat Nanh. Love in Action: Writings on Nonviolent Social Change. Berkeley: Parallax, 1993.
Nhat Nanh. Living Buddha, Living Christ. New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1995.
Orofino, Giacomella e Francesco Sferra, a cura di. Ponti magici: buddhismo e letteratura occidentale. Napoli: Università degli studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”, 2009.
Pensa, Corrado. “Praticare con le emozioni.” Sati Gennaio-Aprile 2010.
Pierce, Lori. “Buddhism and the Body Problem: A Historical Perspective on African American Buddhists.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 20-22.
Prebish, Charles e Kenneth Tanaka, a cura di. The Faces of Buddhism in America. Berkeley: University of California, 1998.
Queen, Christopher S., a cura di. Engaged Buddhism in the West. Somerville: Wisdom, 2000.
Queen, Christopher S., Charles Prebish e Damien Keown, a cura di. Action Dharma: New Studies in Engaged Buddhism. New York: Routledge Curzon, 2003.
Rangdröl, Choyin. Black Buddha: Changing the Face of American Buddhism. Rainbow Dahrma 2007.
Rangdröl, Choyin. “Black Buddha: Bringing the Tradition Home: An Interview with Choyin Rangdröl.” A cura di Rebecca Walker. Turning the Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 23.
Rangdröl, Choyin. “Centered in the Dharma: An Interview with Choyin Rangdröl.” A cura di John W. Ellis. Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Fall 2005: 17-18.
Reissig, José. “CEMVE: Círculo para la Enzenañza de Meditación Vipassana en Español: An Association to Promote the Teaching of Vipassana in Spanish-Speaking Communities.” Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Spring 2001: 28.
Rothberg, Donald. “Resourses on Socially Engaged Buddhism.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2004: 20-22. Aggiornato nel 2011: 15-17.
Rothberg, Donald e Senauke, Alan Hozan. “Active Visions Four Sources of Socially Engaged Buddhism.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Fall 2008: 23-25.
Selzer, Linda Furgerson. “The Emergence of Black Dharma and Oxherding Tale.” Charles Johnson in Context. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 2009: 105-156.
Selzer, Linda Furgerson. “Black American Buddhism: History and Representation.” Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhist American Literature into the Twenty-first Century. A cura di John Whalen-Bridge e Gary Storhoff. Albany: SUNY, 2011: 37-68.
Senauke, Alan Hozan. “On Race and Racism.” Berkeley Zen Center, California. 23 August 1997. Buddhist Peace Fellowship website. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Sharpe, Gina. “Does Race Matter in the Meditation Hall?” Intervista a cura di Tracy Cochran. Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 2004: 10-11.
Sharpe, Gina. “The Buddha was a Person of Color.” Essays from the Garrison Institute: 10 Years of Impact 2003-2013: 36. Garrison Institute Website. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Spandri, Elena. Wideworlds. L’orientalismo nella letteratura inglese e americana, 1760-1820. Pisa: Pacini, 2009.
Steele, Ralph. “Freedom from Racism.” Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 26-30.
Strand, Clark. “Born in the USA: Racial Diversity in Soka Gakkai International.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2003: 51-57.
Tworkov, Helen. “What Color is Your Mind.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 26.
Walker, Alice. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness. Meditations. New York: The New Press, 2006.
Tworkov, Helen. “This Was Not an Area of Large Plantation: Suffering Too Insignificant for the Majority to See.” Alice Walker. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For. New York: The New Press, 2006. Rist. in Shambhala Sun May 2007.
Tworkov, Helen. “We Live in the Best of All Times.” Intervista a cura di David Swick. Shambhala Sun May 2007: 18-21.
Whalen-Bridge, John. “Waking Cain: The Poetics of Integration in Dreamer.” Callaloo 26.2 (2003): 504-21.
Whalen-Bridge, John e Gary Storhoff, a cura di. The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature. Albany: SUNY, 2009.
Whalen-Bridge. American Buddhism as a Way of Life. Albany: SUNY, 2010.
Whalen-Bridge. Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhist American Literature into the Twenty-first Century. Albany: SUNY, 2011.
Williams, Angel Kyodo. Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living with Fearlessness and Grace. New York: Penguin Putnam, 2000.
Willis, Janice. “Freedom: Guns or Dharma?” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2000: 15-18.
Willis, Janice. Dreaming Me: An African American Woman’s Spiritual Journey. New York: Riverhead Books, 2001.
Willis, Janice. Dreaming Me: From Baptist to Buddhist, One Woman's Spiritual Journey. New York: Riverhead Books, 2002.
Woods, Lewis. “From the Guest Editor.” Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 2.
Zubizarreta, Rosa. “El Latinismo y sus Bellos Colores: Voices of Latina and Latino Buddhists.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 18-25.
Accardo, Annalucia.Il racconto della schiavitù negli Stati Uniti d’America. Roma: Bulzoni, 1996.
Calhoun, Ramon. “Inside a Triple Parenthesis: Being a Black Buddhist in the United States.” Turning the Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 39-42.
Cartosio Bruno. I lunghi anni Sessanta. Movimenti sociali e cultura politica negli anni Sessanta. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2012.
Chappell, David. “Racial Diversity in the Soka Gakkai.” Engaged Buddhism in the West. A cura di Christopher S. Queen. Somerville: Wisdom Publications, 2000: 184-217.
Clinton, Michelle T. “Breathing Through History: A Dark Reflection on Zen.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 34-36.
“Diversity and Divisions in America Buddhism.” A cura di Barry Boyce. Buddhadharma Fall 2006: 48-57.
Du Bois, William E. B. Le anime del popolo nero (1903). A cura di Paola Boi. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2007.
Dugan, Kate e Hilary Bogert. “Racial Diversity in Buddhism in The United States.” August 2006.
Dugan, Kate e Hilary Bogert. Essays from the Garrison Institute: 10 Years of Impact 2003-2013. Garrison Institute Website. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Fields, Rick. How the Swans Came to the Lake: a Narrative History of Buddhism in America. Boston: Shambhala, 1981.
Fields, Rick. “Confessions of a White Buddhist.” Tricycle: the Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 54-56.
Fields, Rick. “Divided Dharma: White Buddhists, Ethnic Buddhists, and Racism.” The Faces of Buddhism in America. A cura di Charles S. Prebish e Kenneth K. Tanaka. Berkeley: University of California, 1998: 196-206.
Foye, Addie. “Buddhism in America: a Short, Biased View.” Tricycle: the Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 57.
Gutiérrez Baldoquín, Hilda, a cura di. Dharma, Color, and Culture: New Voices in Western Buddhism. Berkeley: Parallax, 2004.
Heldke, Lisa e Peg O'Connor, a cura di. Oppression, Privilege, and Resistance: Theoretical Perspectives on Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Hickey,Wakoh Shannon. “Two Buddhisms, Three Buddhisms, and Racism.” Journal of Global Buddhism 11 (2010): 1-25.
hooks, bell. “Waking Up to Racism.” Tricycle: the Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 42-45.
hooks, bell. “Building a Community of Love:bell hooks and Thich Nhat Hanh.” Shambhala Sun January 2000, 32.
hooks, bell. “Surrender to Love: King’s Legacy.” Shambhala Sun January 2005: 51-53.
Izzo, Donatella. “Il buddhismo nella letteratura degli Stati Uniti. Note di storia culturale.” Ponti magici: buddhismo e letteratura occidentale. A cura di Giacomella Orofino e Francesco Sferra. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", 2009. 113-169.
Johnson, Allan G. Privilege, Power, and Difference. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Johnson, Charles. Oxherding Tale. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1982.
Johnson, Charles. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Tales and Conjurations. New York: Atheneum, 1986.
Johnson, Charles. “The King we Left Behind.” Common Quest Fall 1996.
Johnson, Charles. Dreamer. A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1998.
Johnson, Charles. A Sangha by Another Name.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 1999: 43-47.
Johnson, Charles. “Mindfulness and the Beloved Community.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 43-46.
Johnson, Charles. Turning the Wheel: Essays on Buddhism and Writing. New York: Scribner, 2003.
Johnson, Charles. “Buddhism is the Most Radical and Civilized Choice.” Intervista a cura di John Malkin. Shambhala Sun January 2004: 13-16.
Johnson, Charles. Dr. King’s Refrigerator and Other Bedtime Stories. New York: Scribner, 2005.
Johnson, Charles. “The King We Need: Teachings for A Nation In Search of Itself.” Shambhala Sun January 2005: 42-50.
Johnson, Charles. “Afterword.” The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature. A cura di Whalen-Bridge e Storhoff. Albany: SUNY, 2009.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence.” New York: Riverside Church, 4 April 1967. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “A Christmas Sermon on Peace.” Atlanta: Ebenezer Baptist Church, 24 December 1967.Visitato il 10/9/2013.
King, Richard. Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and the Mystic East, London: Routledge, 1999.
Kismaric, Carole e Marvin Heiferman. Talking Pictures: People Speak About the Photographs That Speak to Them. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1994.
Kivel, Paul. “Guidelines for Being a Strong White Ally.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Spring 2007: 29.
Levine, Lawrence. Black Culture and Black Consciousness. New York: Oxford University, 1977.
Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn. “What’s Buddhism have to do with Black Women?” Paper presented at Ninth Annual Sakyadhita International Conference in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, June 2006.
Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn. Tell Me Something about Buddhism: Questions and Answers for the Curious Beginner. Newburyport: Hampton Roads, 2011.
Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn. “Difference and Harmony: An Interview with Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, by Sam Mowe.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2011: 17.
Marable, Manning. Malcolm X. Tutte le verità oltre la leggenda. Roma: Donzelli, 2011.
McIntosh, Peggy. “White Privilege and Male Privilege.” Oppression, Privilege, and Resistance: Theoretical Perspectives on Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism. A cura di Lisa M. Heldke e Peg O’ Connor, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Moon, Susan, a cura di. “Resources for Understanding Racism and White Privilege.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Spring 2007: 46- 7.
Nattier, Jan. “Visible and Invisible: on the Politics of Representation in Buddhist America.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 1995: 42-49.
Nattier, Jan. “Who is a Buddhist? Charting the Landscape of Buddhist America.” The Faces of Buddhism in America. A cura di Charles S. Prebish e Kenneth K. Tanaka. Berkekey: University of California, 1998: 183-195.
Nhat Nanh, Thich. “In Search of the Enemy of Man (addressed to the Rev. Martin Luther King).” Nhat Nanh, Ho Huu Tuong, Tam Ich, Bui Giang, Pham Cong Thien. Dialogue. Saigon: La Boi, 1965: 11-20.
Nhat Nanh. Love in Action: Writings on Nonviolent Social Change. Berkeley: Parallax, 1993.
Nhat Nanh. Living Buddha, Living Christ. New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1995.
Orofino, Giacomella e Francesco Sferra, a cura di. Ponti magici: buddhismo e letteratura occidentale. Napoli: Università degli studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”, 2009.
Pensa, Corrado. “Praticare con le emozioni.” Sati Gennaio-Aprile 2010.
Pierce, Lori. “Buddhism and the Body Problem: A Historical Perspective on African American Buddhists.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 20-22.
Prebish, Charles e Kenneth Tanaka, a cura di. The Faces of Buddhism in America. Berkeley: University of California, 1998.
Queen, Christopher S., a cura di. Engaged Buddhism in the West. Somerville: Wisdom, 2000.
Queen, Christopher S., Charles Prebish e Damien Keown, a cura di. Action Dharma: New Studies in Engaged Buddhism. New York: Routledge Curzon, 2003.
Rangdröl, Choyin. Black Buddha: Changing the Face of American Buddhism. Rainbow Dahrma 2007.
Rangdröl, Choyin. “Black Buddha: Bringing the Tradition Home: An Interview with Choyin Rangdröl.” A cura di Rebecca Walker. Turning the Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 23.
Rangdröl, Choyin. “Centered in the Dharma: An Interview with Choyin Rangdröl.” A cura di John W. Ellis. Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Fall 2005: 17-18.
Reissig, José. “CEMVE: Círculo para la Enzenañza de Meditación Vipassana en Español: An Association to Promote the Teaching of Vipassana in Spanish-Speaking Communities.” Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Spring 2001: 28.
Rothberg, Donald. “Resourses on Socially Engaged Buddhism.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2004: 20-22. Aggiornato nel 2011: 15-17.
Rothberg, Donald e Senauke, Alan Hozan. “Active Visions Four Sources of Socially Engaged Buddhism.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Fall 2008: 23-25.
Selzer, Linda Furgerson. “The Emergence of Black Dharma and Oxherding Tale.” Charles Johnson in Context. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 2009: 105-156.
Selzer, Linda Furgerson. “Black American Buddhism: History and Representation.” Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhist American Literature into the Twenty-first Century. A cura di John Whalen-Bridge e Gary Storhoff. Albany: SUNY, 2011: 37-68.
Senauke, Alan Hozan. “On Race and Racism.” Berkeley Zen Center, California. 23 August 1997. Buddhist Peace Fellowship website. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Sharpe, Gina. “Does Race Matter in the Meditation Hall?” Intervista a cura di Tracy Cochran. Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 2004: 10-11.
Sharpe, Gina. “The Buddha was a Person of Color.” Essays from the Garrison Institute: 10 Years of Impact 2003-2013: 36. Garrison Institute Website. Visitato il 10/9/2013.
Spandri, Elena. Wideworlds. L’orientalismo nella letteratura inglese e americana, 1760-1820. Pisa: Pacini, 2009.
Steele, Ralph. “Freedom from Racism.” Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 26-30.
Strand, Clark. “Born in the USA: Racial Diversity in Soka Gakkai International.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2003: 51-57.
Tworkov, Helen. “What Color is Your Mind.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 1994: 26.
Walker, Alice. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness. Meditations. New York: The New Press, 2006.
Tworkov, Helen. “This Was Not an Area of Large Plantation: Suffering Too Insignificant for the Majority to See.” Alice Walker. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For. New York: The New Press, 2006. Rist. in Shambhala Sun May 2007.
Tworkov, Helen. “We Live in the Best of All Times.” Intervista a cura di David Swick. Shambhala Sun May 2007: 18-21.
Whalen-Bridge, John. “Waking Cain: The Poetics of Integration in Dreamer.” Callaloo 26.2 (2003): 504-21.
Whalen-Bridge, John e Gary Storhoff, a cura di. The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature. Albany: SUNY, 2009.
Whalen-Bridge. American Buddhism as a Way of Life. Albany: SUNY, 2010.
Whalen-Bridge. Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhist American Literature into the Twenty-first Century. Albany: SUNY, 2011.
Williams, Angel Kyodo. Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living with Fearlessness and Grace. New York: Penguin Putnam, 2000.
Willis, Janice. “Freedom: Guns or Dharma?” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2000: 15-18.
Willis, Janice. Dreaming Me: An African American Woman’s Spiritual Journey. New York: Riverhead Books, 2001.
Willis, Janice. Dreaming Me: From Baptist to Buddhist, One Woman's Spiritual Journey. New York: Riverhead Books, 2002.
Woods, Lewis. “From the Guest Editor.” Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 2.
Zubizarreta, Rosa. “El Latinismo y sus Bellos Colores: Voices of Latina and Latino Buddhists.” Turning the Wheel: the Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism Summer 2003: 18-25.
Articles (general section) - American language, literature, and culture
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