Populist Islamophobia. The Australian Refugee Crisis on Twitter
Queensland populism, islamophobia, Critical Stylistics, Corpus Linguistics, Twitter-based analysisAbstract
Over the past twenty years, Australia has been one of the many countries challenged by the escalation of the global migrant crisis. In particular, since the 2012 reimplementation of the Pacific Solution, namely the enactment of the offshore detention policy, media manipulation on the matter has intensified. In this respect, Australian politicians have, in a bipartisan fashion, instrumentalized the asylum seeker issue to foment nationalist and sovereign discourses both offline and online, aiming to create consensus among voters and hostility towards migrants. Focusing on social media’s new role as virtual political battlegrounds, this paper explores the so-called Antipodean right-wing populism, and the extent to which it is enacted on Twitter. In the paper, populism is conceptualized as a “cultural-relational performative style,” that is, as a geo-historical event, which involves different digital and political actors who share persuasive rhetorical strategies. On this premise, this study aims to analyze narratives constructed around the refugee crisis articulated on Twitter by selected populist leaders in Queensland State. The research relies on a mixed methodology that combines Corpus Linguistics to elicit quantitative data from the Twitter research corpus, and approaches of Critical Stylistics to unveil the ideological substratum underlying the political content of tweets. The outcomes of the study will show how populists in Queensland State are prone to juxtapose, hence equate, Muslim immigration with Islamic terrorism, by employing specific stylistic strategies.References
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Engesser, Sven, et al. “Populism and Social Media: How Politicians Spread a Fragmented Ideology.” Information, Communication & Society 20.8 (2017): 1109–1126.
Engesser, Sven, Nayla Fawzi and Anders O. Larsson. “Populist Online Communication: Introduction to the Special Issue.” Information, Communication & Society 20.9 (2017): 1279–1292.
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Ferretti, Andrea. “I Social: Una Nuova Mediatizzazione della Politica? Il Caso @matteosalviniofficial su Instagram.” Echo: Rivista Interdisciplinare di Comunicazione, Linguaggi, Culture, Società 1 (2019): 127-142.
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Hjarvard, Stig. The Mediatization of Culture and Society. London: Routledge, 2013.
Horn, Allyson. “Election 2019: Why Queensland Turned its Back on Labor and Helped Scott Morrison to Victory.” ABC News 19/05/2019. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-19/election-results-how-labor-lost-queensland/11122998. Last visited 27/04/2020.
Jeffries, Lesley. Critical Stylistics. The Power of English. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Jose, Jim. “’Manning Up’ with Pauline Hanson: Playing the Gender Card, Again.” The Rise of Right-Populism. Edited by Bligh Grant, Tod Moore and Tony Lynch. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2019. 167-178.
Karlsen, Elibrit and Janet Phillips. Developments in Australian Refugee Law and Policy (2012 to August 2013). 2014.
https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1415/RefugeeLawPolicy. Last visited 29/05/2019.
Kettunen, Kimmo. “Can Type-Token Ratio Be Used to Show Morphological Complexity of Languages?” Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 21.3 (2014): 223-245.
KhosraviNik, Majid. “The Representation of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in British Newspapers: A Critical Discourse Analysis.” Journal of Language and Politics 9.1 (2010): 1–28.
Klinger, Ulrike and Jakob Svensson. “The Emergence of Network Media Logic in Political Communication: A Theoretical Approach.” New Media & Society 17.8 (2015): 1241–1257.
Laclau, Ernesto. On Populist Reason. London: Verso, 2005.
Laurence, Anthony. AntConc, Build 3.5.8. [Computer software.] Ph.D. Center for English Language Education in Science and Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 2019.
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LNP Christensen. “George Christensen Federal Member for Dawson. Standing up for the North.” https://www.georgechristensen.com.au/aboutgeorge/#whatgeorgestandsfor. Last visited 18/05/2020.
Lueck, Kerstin, Clemence Due and Martha Augoustinos. “Neoliberalism and Nationalism: Representations of Asylum Seekers in the Australian Mainstream News Media.” Discourse & Society 26.5 (2015): 608-629.
McEnery, Tony and Andrew Hardie. Corpus Linguistics: Method, Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
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Mortensen, Janus, Nikolas Coupland and Jacob Thøgerson. Style, Mediation and Change: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
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Nesbitt-Larking, Paul. Politics, Society and the Media. Toronto: Broadway View Press, 2007.
Nguyen, Li and Kerry McCallum. “Drowning in Our Home: A Metaphor-led Discourse Analysis of Australian News Media Reporting on Maritime Asylum Seekers.” Communication Research and Practice 2.2 (2016): 159-176.
Niño, Borja. “POPULISM IN AUSTRALIA: Why Is There No Electorally Successful Left Populist Party in Australia?” Critical Analysis of Current Social and Political Issues 8 June 2017.
https://politicsandsociology.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/populism-in-australia-why-is-there-no-electorally-successful-left-populist-party-in-australia/. Last visited 12/01/2019.
Ross, Andrew and Damian Rivers. Political Twitter Discourse Corpus (PTDC), 2018. Retrieved from https://www.damianrivers.com/ptdc/. Last visited 6/12/2019.
Sengul, Kurt. “Critical Discourse Analysis in Political Communication Research: A Case Study of Right-Wing Populist Discourse in Australia.” Communication Research and Practice (2019): 1-17.
---. “‘Swamped:’ The Populist Construction of Fear, Crisis and Dangerous Others in Pauline Hanson’s Senate Speeches.” Communication Research and Practice (2020): 1-18.
Simpson, Paul. Language, Ideology and Point of View. London: Routledge, 1993.
Smee, Ben. “Clive Palmer Says He 'Decided to Polarise Electorate' with Anti-Labor Ads to Ensure Coalition Win.” The Guardian. 22 May 2019.
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/may/22/clive-palmer-says-he-decided-to-polarise-electorate-with-anti-labor-ads-to-ensure-coalition-win.Last visited 27/04/2020.
Strömbäck, Jesper and Frank Esser. “Mediatization of Politics: Transforming Democracies and Reshaping Politics.” Mediatization of Communication. Edited by Kundt Lundby. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmBH, 2014. 375-403.
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Wodak, Ruth, et al. The Discursive Construction of National Identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.
Zappavigna, Michele. Discourse of Twitter and Social Media. London: Continuum Discourse, 2012.
Articles: Special Section
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