The Relocation of Culture: Translations, Migrations, Borders. Simona Bertacco and Nicoletta Vallorani


  • Annarita Taronna University of Bari


Parole chiave:

Translation, migration, culture, borders


Review of The Relocation of Culture: Translations, Migrations, Borders by Simona Bertacco and Nicoletta Vallorani 

Biografia autore

Annarita Taronna, University of Bari

Annarita Taronna is Associate Professor of English and Translation at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, Communication, University of Bari. Her main research areas include gender in/and translation studies, cultural and post-colonial studies, use of ELF in migratory settings, language mediation in intercultural context. On these topics, she has published the the book Black Englishes. Pratiche linguistiche transfrontaliere Italia-Usa (Ombre Corte, 2016) and the following articles: Writing in the foreign as a self-translation practice in the new aesthetics of migration and cosmopolitanism: Jumphra Lahiri and Karima 2g as case-studies (Scritture Migranti. Rivista di Scambi Interculturali, 2020); The Role of Non-professional Translators and Interpreters in Emergency Migratory Settings: A Southern Translocal Perspective (I-Land Journal, n° 2, 2019), Fuori dal centro: generi, frontiere, migrazioni e traduzioni.  Prospettive trans-atlantiche e trans-mediterranee (in Geocritica e geopoetica nella letteratura Italiana del Novecento, Anastasija Gjurčinova and Irina Talevska (eds.);  (co-authored with Lorena Carbonara) English as a Lingua Franca in the Context of Migration: An Italian Perspective (Pogranicze. Polish Borderlands Studies, t. 6, nr 4, 2018);  Translation, hospitality and conflict: language mediators as an activist community of practice across the Mediterranean. Linguistica 2016), Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies, 14; L’inglese come lingua di contatto ai tempi delle migrazioni trans-mediterranee” (in L.Cazzato and F.Silvestri, eds. i, S/Murare il Mediterraneo-Un/Walling the Mediterranean. Pensieri critici e attivismo al tempo delle migrazioni 2016); La mediazione linguistica come pratica di negoziazione, resistenza, attivismo e ospitalità sulle sponde del Mediterarraneo” (Lingue e Linguaggi 11, 2015).


Riferimenti bibliografici

Apter, Emily. The Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.

Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. With a New Preface by the Author. London and New York: Routledge, 1994.

Pratt, Mary Louise. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. London and New York: Routledge, 1992.

Rich, Adrienne. “Notes towards a Politics of Location.” Blood, Bread and Poetry: Selected Prose 1979-1985. New York and London: Norton, 1984. 210-231.

Rushdie, Salman. Imaginary Homelands: Essay and Criticism 1981-1991. London: Granta, 1991.


