Formal Experimentation and Time Travel As a Reconceptualization Strategy in Anthony Joseph’s The African Origins of Ufos


  • Adriano Elia



Anthony Joseph’s groundbreaking novel The African Origins of UFOs (2006) is a challenging example of Afrofuturist speculative fiction. Divided into three interweaving sections set in space in the future, on land in the present and in water in the past, this eccentric novel draws on time travel as a means to reconsider notions of race, identity, exile and collective memory. Charged with innumerable allusions, Joseph’s experimental style, blending poetry and prose, is an ideal counterpart to the richness and variety of content, whereby the conflation of past, present and future brings about a reconceptualization of hegemonic discourses on the black diaspora.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Articoli (sezione generale) - lingua, letteratura e cultura Americana