“Dream Big, Fly High: The English Language as a Bridge to Your Dream Job”

Educazione linguistica tra università, territorio e public engagement


  • Enrica Rossi Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo




secondary and higher education, soft skills, orientation, English language, learning-by-doing


When the Covid-19 pandemic arrived in Italy during the spring of 2020, the scientific committee of the National Language Olympics decided to immediately interrupt the event, which by then had reached the semifinals phases, and to totally revise the organization of the eleventh edition envisaged for the 2020/21 school and academic year.
With the aim of “putting the competition on hold and our expertise on show,” the Language Centre of the University of Urbino decided not to suspend the effective communication channel initiated with secondary education institutions, and to develop and promote the creation of a teaching project that could be stimulating and useful for the school community which, in recent years and today more than ever, is constantly in search of quality, high-profile online resources.
As we will see in this essay, the Language Centre of Urbino established as its priorities the necessity to focus on an analysis of the context, work in synergy with the local communities, swiftly adopt system actions capable of dealing with the challenge of distance learning, and plan targeted actions. This led to the development of the Orientation and Multifunctional/Soft Skills Scheme, “Dream Big, Fly High: the English Language as a Bridge to your Dream Job” a CLIL project consisting of 9 modules. The purpose of the scheme was to help students understand that the English language is nothing more than a tool, an instrument, and that it is sufficient that they choose to make the best use of it, without succumbing to performance anxiety, to make a big step forward toward the achievement of their goals with optimism and enthusiasm, while developing an empowering awareness.

Author Biography

  • Enrica Rossi, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

    Enrica Rossi è ricercatrice a tempo indeterminato presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali e docente di lingua inglese per la Scuola di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo; dirige il Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo presso il quale negli ultimi anni ha coordinato e diretto vari progetti di ricerca e attività di Public Engagement quali il Campionato Nazionale delle Lingue (evento riconosciuto dal MUR nel programma annuale per la valorizzazione delle eccellenze) e il Percorso per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento “Dream Big, Fly High: the English Language ad a Bridge to your Dream Job” che nel 2021 ha visto la partecipazione di più di 10.000 studenti.

    I suoi interessi di ricerca glottodidattica sono English as a Lingua Franca, la comunicazione interculturale e le tematiche riguardanti le politiche linguistiche e le scelte programmatiche dei CLA.

    Dal 2016 fa parte del Consiglio Direttivo dell’AICLU (Associazione Italiana Centri Linguistici Universitari) e dal 2019 è segretario nazionale dell’Associazione.


    Pubblicazioni recenti:

    (2021) “The Covid-19 Crisis and the National Language Olympics: One Challenge, Two responses”, in New Pathways in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, a cura di Theodora Tseligka e Alexandra Galani, Volume 2, pp. 31-44. Ioannina: Ioannina University Press.

    (2020) “Mani che cantano e occhi che ascoltano. La percezione musicale nei non udenti”, in Linguae &, a cura di Alessandra Calanchi, Volume 1, pp 193-200.


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