Online ESP Learning through H5P© Project Activities

A Digital Opportunity for Organic Enterprises


  • Alessandra Ficarra University of Calabria (UNICAL)



English for Specific Purposes, University Language Centers, autonomous self-study, motivation, H5P©


Within an increasing use of ITCs in modern language learning and teaching, technology has proven to be particularly appropriate for English for Specific Purposes courses and adult learners. If the Council of Europe emphasized the importance of learners as social agents, the use of ITCs in language learning puts them at the centre of the learning process, allowing the users not only to consume digital contents, but also to produce an output of it: as “prosumers,” digital learners self-determine their autonomy and embrace a new learning environment, where content is shared and knowledge is co-constructed.
This article will present a project launched in 2020 by the University of Calabria, where the synergy between the University Language Centre and the H5P© software has created an open-access language-learning opportunity that encourages learners’ autonomy, fostering their motivation and promoting the scaffolding of new knowledge and skills useful for employability.


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