An Innovative Education Experience for Future Foreign Language Teachers

The Laboratori e Tirocini di Introduzione alle Metodologie e Tecnologie Didattiche/Teaching Labs


  • Chiara Battisti
  • Maria Francesca Bonadonna
  • Francesca Dalle Pezze
  • Paola Vettorel


Parole chiave:

language teacher education, future language/literature teachers, micro-teaching, blended learning, eTwinning


This contribution aims to describe the innovative experience related to the Laboratori e Tirocini di Introduzione alle Metodologie e Tecnologie Didattiche/Teaching Labs, which have been developed since A.Y. 2017/18 as part of the courses in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Verona. The objective of these Laboratori was to offer a preliminary teacher education experience for students interested in becoming foreign language and literature teachers.

The article will first discuss the rationale at the basis of the Laboratori project, also in connection to the importance of introducing language and literature students to the teaching profession, within the strategic priorities identified by the 2021 European Resolution in the field of education and training. The structure of the Laboratori and their characteristics will then be described in detail, highlighting the innovative aspects, in particular with reference to the blended learning approach, the familiarisation with the eTwinning European project, the micro-teaching sessions, as well as the practicum in lower and upper secondary schools. Some qualitative results and future perspectives will finally be discussed, including the developments which have led to the new Teaching Lab: Methodologies, Technologies and Practicum structure.

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