Decolonizzare l'identità: Italia e America allo specchio


  • Nicoletta Pireddu



As it is often the case with countries where mass immigration is intense, ethnicity is one of the most evident expressions of identitary politics in the United States, and the community of Italian immigrants is undoubtedly characterized by a strong sense of ethnic identity. In fact, Italian American culture had to manage conflictual needs, and still needs to do so; on the one hand the search for a sense of belonging and participation to the adopted culture, on the other the struggle against mostly negative or diminishing stereotypes. Starting from recent and significant contributions to the debate, the essay analyzes the limits of categorizations, and calls for multiple perspectives in conceptualizing and representing Italian American culture in the context of diaspora and transcontinental immigration studies. Migration emerges thus as a model for mobility and flexibility, as a reinvention of the self and as a way of negotiating the other.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Ara, Angelo e Claudio Magris. Trieste. Un’identità di frontiera. Torino: Einaudi, 1982.
Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York and London: Routledge, 1990.
---. “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory.” Theatre Journal 40.4 dicembre 1988: 519-531.
Hobsbawm, Eric. “Identity Politics and the Left.” New Left Review I.217, Maggio-Giugno 1996: 38-47. Luconi, Stefano e Mario Varricchio (a cura di). Lontane da casa. Donne italiane e diaspora globale dall’inizio del Novecento a oggi. Torino: Accademia University Press, 2015.
Parenti, Michael. “Italian American Identity. To Be or Not To Be.” Common Dreams, 27 agosto 2009.
Visitato il 22 agosto 2017.
Peck, Raoul. I Am Not Your Negro. Paris: Velvet Film, 2016.
Tamburri, Anthony Julian. To Hyphenate or Not to Hyphenate. The Italian/American Writer: An Other American. Montreal: Guernica, 1991. ---. and Fred Gardaphè (a cura di). Transcending Borders, Bridging Gaps. Italian Americana, Diasporic Studies, and the University Curriculum. New York: John Calandra Italian American Institute Queens College, CUNY, 2015.






Articoli (sezione generale) - lingua, letteratura e cultura Americana