
  • Call for Abstracts Special Issue Fall 2025


    Iperstoria Special Issue no. 26 - Call for Papers: Parties, Luxury and American Celebrity: From Gatsby to Instagram

    Guest editors: Alessandro Clericuzio, University of Perugia (alessandro.clericuzio@unipg.it); Cinzia Schiavini, University of Milan (cinzia.schiavini@unimi.it)

    Iperstoria seeks abstract proposals for a Special Issue titled "Parties, Luxury and American Celebrity: From Gatsby to Instagram", to be published in December 2025.

    Please, read the full announcement on our website for the full Call and deadlines.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di Call for Abstracts Special Issue Fall 2025
  • Call for Abstracts Special Issue Fall 2024


    Iperstoria is seeking abstract proposals for Issue 24 (Fall 2024), on the topic "Anglo-American Digital/Electronic Literature: Theories, Forms and Practices." The special issue is edited by Andrea Pitozzi, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, and Mario Verdicchio, Università degli Studi di Bergamo.

    Deadline for abstract submission: March 20, 2024.

    Read the full Call for Abstracts below.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di Call for Abstracts Special Issue Fall 2024
  • Call for Abstracts Special Issue Fall 2023


    Iperstoria is accepting abstract submissions for the Fall 2023 Special Issue titled "re- and de-: Prefixes and Paradigms to Reconstruct and Deconstruct the United States Within and Without Borders", edited by Enrico Botta (University of Verona) and Serena Fusco (University of Naples "L'Orientale"). 

    Deadline for abstracts: March 15, 2023 - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 31, 2023

    Deadline for essays: May 31, 2023

    Please, click on "read more" for the full text of the Call.


    Iperstoria accetta proposte di abstract per la sezione monografica autunnale 2023, intitolata "ri- e di-: prefissi e paradigmi per rifare e disfare gli Stati Uniti dentro e fuori i confini", a cura di Enrico Botta (Università di Verona) e Serena Fusco (Università di Napoli "L'Orientale").

    Deadline per gli abstracts: 15 marzo 2023

    Deadline per i saggi: 31 May 2023

    Cliccate su "leggi tutto" per la Call integrale.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di Call for Abstracts Special Issue Fall 2023


    Iperstoria is currently accepting abstract submissions for the general sections of our Fall 2022 issue.

    The contributions should be in the field of American studies or English language studies.

    Abstracts of about 250 words (either in English or Italian) must be submitted by email to redazione.iperstoria@gmail.com by March 31, 2022. The essays will be due at the end of May 2022.

    We recommend adding a short bio note to your submission.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - FALL 2022
  • Call for Abstracts - Spring 2022


    Iperstoria is currently accepting abstract submissions for the general sections of our Spring 2022 issue.

    The contributions should be in the field of American studies or English language studies.

    Abstracts of about 250 words (either in English or Italian) must be submitted by email to redazione.iperstoria@gmail.com by November 15th, 2021. The essays will be due at the end of January 2022.

    We recommend adding a short bio note to your submission.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di Call for Abstracts - Spring 2022


    Iperstoria welcomes submissions for a new special issue to be published in Spring 2022.

    Sonia Di Loreto, University of Turin
    Andrea Carosso, University of Turin

    With this special issue, tentatively entitled “Coastlines, Oceans, Rivers of North America” we will probe how the land/water boundaries of North America are home to complex cultural dynamics, and can be seen as laboratories of cultural and social experimentation.

    We would like to expand on this idea, and address the historical formation of North-American coastal and waterway cultures as sites where encounter, exploration, exploitation, and experiment in integration have constantly been shaped by impending crisis and threats of environmental disaster. The shorelines and waterways of North America, inhabited by more than a half of that continent’s population and for many centuries a focal point in the continent’s historical, social and economic transformations, now find themselves at the forefront of the unfolding climate crises, that are both re-shaping geographies and re-inventing cultural practices.


    The publication date has been set for May/June 2022. With this date in view, we envisage the submission of 4,500-8,000 word articles by early January 2022. Articles submitted may be part of a larger work in progress to be published at a later date. We are unable to accommodate previously published work, though we are open to newly commissioned articles on any of the topics above.

    If you would like to submit a proposal, please send a 300 word abstract to sonia.diloreto@unito.it and andrea.carosso@unito.it NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 4, 2021.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di CALL FOR PAPERS SPRING 2022
  • Iperstoria is now indexed in DOAJ


    Iperstoria is happy to announce that it has joined the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)'s community.

    As of today, all of our articles, essays, translations, and reviews are indexed in DOAJ, making it easier for scholars and researchers all over the world to access our contents. 

    Iperstoria is committed to disseminating free and accessible knowledge; we celebrate this inclusion in DOAJ as the first of many steps that will make our contributions as widely available as possible. 

    Leggi di più al riguardo di Iperstoria is now indexed in DOAJ
  • Call for Papers Fall 2021


    Tourism discourse in the 21st century: challenges and new directions

    Valeria Franceschi, University of Verona 
    Sharon Hartle, University of Verona 


    Tourism discourse, as developed across a wide variety of Internet sites, social media, and content sharing platforms, is populated by a range of linguistic and multimodal devices aimed at encouraging the engagement of users with the content provided. The increased ease of access to the Internet and subsequent growth of available resources goes hand in hand with the development of opportunities for providing the customers of the tourism industry with the essential information they may require. At the same time, promoting destinations is not the only role of digital tourism discourse. The expectations of customers and their experience can be managed by the interactive nature of the medium (Maci 2017). The Internet, in fact, can be said to have transformed the discourses of the tourism industry and the way in which relationships were traditionally created and maintained with its customers. In addition to traditional institutional and commercial material, social media and user-generated content (UGC) have indeed increasingly been taken into consideration as a data source in tourism studies, due to its potential influence on multiple aspects of tourism research, including destination marketing, electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWoM) and destination image (e.g. Pan et al. 2007; Wenger 2008). 

    International tourism, which has until recently been considered to be a key economic sector both locally and internationally, is currently undergoing a moment of crisis due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The global travel industry, in fact, in the year 2020 reduced its activities dramatically by more than 90% (Fernandes 2020), with negative consequences which are spilling over into other businesses that rely on tourism. This has come about largely as a result of movement restrictions imposed by governments globally, who have limited travel to an unprecedented extent. The effects have led to significant difficulties in the tourism field. From the viewpoint of research, however, the ongoing situation provides researchers with the opportunity to study the “resilience of the tourism industry” (Prayag 2020).

    The emergency situation, in fact, may be considered to be a catalyst for the development of new communication modes and aims, which provide fertile terrain for researchers who wish to investigate evolving phenomena in the language being used as a part of the wider fields of both the English of Tourism (EoT) and in the teaching of that specific language, English for Tourism (EfT). The discourse of tourism has and is indeed changing due to the serious consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. For this reason, a particular focus on such changes may lead to fruitful new avenues of inquiry for researchers.

    We welcome contributions in English or Italian that consider a wide range of texts, contexts, theoretical and methodological research approaches into tourism discourse, the English of Tourism (EoT) and the teaching of English for Tourism (EfT). Data sources may include, but are not limited to: institutional and commercial websites and social media accounts, user-generated content such as blogs, vlogs, wikis, reviews, search engines, reference materials. 

    Submissions related (but not limited to) the following topics are particularly welcome: 

    • User-generated content and electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) 
    • Institutional and commercial tourism discourse online 
    • Changes to tourism discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic 
    • Implications for teaching English for Tourism (EfT) 
    • Research into the ESP field: English of Tourism 
    • EfT teaching practices and materials development 

    Fernandes, Nuno. “Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) on the World Economy.” IESE Business School Working Paper No. WP-1240-E, 2020. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3557504 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3557504 
    Maci, Stefania. “Meaning-making in web 2.0 tourism discourse.” Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism, Edited by Maurizio Gotti, Stefania Maci e Michele Sala. Bern: Peter Lang, 2017. 130-153.

    Pan, Bing, Tanya MacLaurin, and John C. Crotts. “Travel Blogs and the Implications for Destination Marketing.” Journal of Travel Research 46 (2007): 35-45. 
    Prayag, Girish. “Time for a reset? Covd-19 and Tourism Resilience.” Tourism Review International 24.2-3 (2020): 179-184.
    Wenger, Anita. “Analysis of travel bloggers’ characteristics and their communication about Austria as a tourism destination.” Journal of Vacation Marketing 14.2 (2008): 169-176. 

    Instructions for prospective authors 
    Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the special issue editors regarding potential topics of interest or any questions/suggestions regarding the special issue. Abstracts (approx. 250 words) should be submitted directly to the editors via email (valeria.franceschi@univr.it,sharon.hartle@univr.it). The abstracts will be evaluated by the editors and notifications will be sent out shortly after.

    Submitted manuscripts must be original and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be made via the journal’s website following the submission procedure detailed at https://iperstoria.it/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions 

    Submissions will follow a process of double-blind peer review with independent referees.

    The final decision will be made according to the relevance to the special section, originality of research approaches, methodology soundness. All submitted manuscripts must be compliant with the Iperstoria author guidelines. 

    Important dates 
    March 15th 2021: abstract submission deadline 
    March 31st 2021: abstract acceptance notification 
    June 30th 2021: manuscript submission deadline 
    September 1st 2021: Reviewers’ reports in (target date) 
    October 1st, 2021: Revised manuscript submission deadline (estimated)
    December 2021: publication Leggi di più al riguardo di Call for Papers Fall 2021


    Iperstoria is currently accepting abstract submissions for the general sections of our Fall 2021 issue.

    The contributions should be in the field of American studies or English language studies.

    Abstracts of about 250 words (either in English or Italian) must be submitted by email to redazione.iperstoria@gmail.com by March 30th, 2020. The essays will be due at the end of June 2021.

    We recomment adding a short bio note to your submission.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - ISSUE 18
  • DOI number for all publications now available


    We are happy to announce that all our essays, interviews, translations, and reviews have been assigned a DOI number and have been indexed on DataCite.

    Authors who wish to update the information of the publications that they have uploaded to academic repositories can find the DOI number at the end of the web page containing the pdf, rather than in the pdf itself.

    Leggi di più al riguardo di DOI number for all publications now available